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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 9, Issue 1, pp. 1-214

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Rational Bounds for Ratios of Modified Bessel Functions

Ingemar Nåsell

pp. 1-11

Lie Theory and the Wave Equation in Space-Time. 2. The Group $SO(4,\mathbb{C})$

E. G. Kalnins and Willard Miller, Jr.

pp. 12-33

Generalization of Certain Summations Due to Ramanujan

Chih-Bing Ling

pp. 34-48

On the Linear Theory of Heat Conduction for Materials with Memory

Paul L. Davis

pp. 49-53

Saturation Theorems Connected with the Abstract Wave Equation

John W. Dettman

pp. 54-64

Some Combinatorial Identities of Bernstein

L. Carlitz

pp. 65-75

Product Formulas and Nicholson-Type Integrals for Jacobi Functions. I: Summary of Results

Loyal Durand

pp. 76-86

Calculation of Some Extremal Conformal Mappings

E. Grassmann and J. Rokne

pp. 87-105

Linear Differential Inequalities

James S. Muldowney

pp. 106-120

Integral Operators for Fourth Order Linear Parabolic Equations

Patrick M. Brown

pp. 121-141

On an Elliptic Boundary Value Problem with Mixed Boundary Conditions, Arising in Suspended Sediment Transport Theory

Gunnar Aronsson and Bengt Winzell

pp. 142-150

The Energy Approach to the Karman–Föppl Equations

Melvin Mullin

pp. 151-156

On Convexity Preserving Operators

Rivka Senderovizh

pp. 157-159

Singular Perturbation of an Exterior Dirichlet Problem

George C. Hsiao

pp. 160-184

Existence and Asymptotic Stability of Solutions of an Abstract Integrodifferential Equation with Applications to Viscoelasticity

Sarp Adali

pp. 185-206

Green's Functions for Linear Second Order Systems

K. A. Heimes

pp. 207-214